Wildlife Issues to Be Aware of This Summer in South Carolina

Summer Wildlife Issues In South Carolina-

Summer – the warmest, most beautiful, and favored season. The days grow longer and the sun seemingly shines brighter. The increased temperatures compel and urge people to embark on outdoor journeys and adventures. Throughout the State of South Carolina, summer is not only a season, it is a time of transition, a new dimension. Despite… Read More…

As It Turns Out, Molehills ARE Mountains – Especially to Homeowners

We have all heard the saying, “Making a mountain out of a molehill”. It means that you have succumbed to making something that is considered to be small into a big issue. The truth of the matter is, true molehills are mountains to the homeowners that discover them on their property. It is not at… Read More…

Fruits, Nuts, Seeds, and Plants that Attract Squirrels to Your Garden

For most, squirrels are considered to be fascinating creatures. With their amazing ability to perform acrobatic stunts and their seemingly endless chatter, it is not at all unusual for people to find themselves entertained by these creatures. However, should they find their way into a garden that has been carefully cultivated, the appreciation quickly transitions… Read More…

The Health-Related Dangers of Rat Infestations in or Near Your Home

Health Risks Of Rat Infestations

This time of year, it is exceptionally challenging to stay healthy. This is especially true due to the prevalence of the flu, allergies, and other issues currently impacting the nation, such as the outbreak of the measles and food-related e. coli illnesses. Despite these issues, there are other threats that many do not think about…. Read More…

How to Protect Your Spring Garden from Wildlife

Rabbit In Spring Garden

Now that your spring garden is in full bloom, it is quite likely that you have observed a wide array of wildlife attempting to maneuver through or consume the vegetables, fruits, and/or flowers that you have worked so diligently to cultivate. Perhaps it was squirrels, wild rabbits, woodchucks, moles, birds, raccoons, or deer. While these… Read More…

Signs There Are Animals Lurking Around Your Business

Wild Animal Lurking Near Business

If you own a business – especially in an area that is surrounded by natural debris such as trees, bodies of water, and other plants – you may eventually come to observe signs that an animal is lurking around your establishment. The first step to controlling that animal or those animals is to learn how… Read More…

Why and Where Will Birds Build Their Nests on My Property?

Birds Nest On Property

Now that spring has officially sprung, many homeowners are starting to discover flocks of birds in and around their property. These carefully crafted structures are where the creatures will lay their eggs and go through the process of incubating those eggs. Once hatched, the birds will raise their young in these nests, as well. While… Read More…


Why You Shouldn't Have A Snake As A Pet

The world is full of reptile lovers. One of the most popular pet choices among those that are fascinated with reptiles is snakes. Many would agree that snakes are fascinating pets and are simply misunderstood by those that fear their appearance. Before purchasing a snake for a pet, one must thoroughly research the breeds, their health… Read More…

Effective Measures for Eliminating Skunk Odor – Once and For All

Eliminating Skunk Odor

If you are reading this, it is likely that you have had the unfortunate experiencing of encountering a skunk that has chosen to emit an extremely foul-smelling, oil-based spray. This is the skunk’s natural defense mechanism against perceived threats. The substance is called “thiol”. It is a Sulphur-based compound that not only smells terrible but… Read More…

What are the 3 Most Dangerous Creatures in South Carolina?

American Alligator

The State of South Carolina displays a unique Southern charm that includes friendly faces, small quaint towns, and immensely beautiful geography. The state’s personality and character truly shine through by way of the lavish palmetto bushes, the seemingly never-ending array of moss dangling from the large, historically-significant trees, and the architecture accents of wrought-iron, historical… Read More…

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