Posts from July, 2015

How to Live with Alligators

As human population continues to grow, the habitat of alligators also continues to develop. That being said, it is safe to say that interactions between the two are inevitable, which is why the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission offers some tips on how people can co-exist peacefully with these large reptiles. Keep your dogs &… Read More…

Residents Urged to Practice Caution Around Bats

According to Richard Ovcharovich, manager of environmental health with the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit, contact with bats and all wild animals should be avoided. Rabies, which is caused by a virus that affects the central nervous system of warm-blooded animals, is almost always a fatal disease. Senior public health inspector John Cannan… Read More…

Dealing with Wildlife in a Humane Way

The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals is an organization that provides ways to educate the public on how to deal with conflict with wildlife in a humane way. If you are someone who has come across some wild animals in your own home, there’s plenty of information on the organization’s website about how… Read More…

How to Choose a Wildlife Control Company

While there are times when you may be able to solve some conflicts with wildlife by yourself, there are those instances wherein you need to call a professional. To help you find which one uses humane, effective practices, here are some tips on how to choose a wildlife control company. Request for an inspection and… Read More…

Eradicating Gophers From Your Garden

Gophers, also known as rodents, are easy to spot in your garden. You are most likely to know that this pesky creatures are in your lawn if you see mounds of loose dirt that have been pushed to the surface. Apart from damaging your lawn, these gophers can wreak havoc on your flowers, shrubs and… Read More…

Managing Squirrels on Your Property

While squirrels may look cute and cuddly, they can actually be persistent thieves at the bird feeder. They also occasionally damage lawns by burying or digging up nuts, destroy ornamental trees by chewing bark, clip twigs and gnaw on wires and enter buildings. Below are some tips on how to prevent squirrel damage: Build a… Read More…

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