Posts from May, 2016

Ways to Protect Wild Animals in Your Backyard

For wildlife animals, warm spring comes with early babies. West Sound Wildlife Shelter in Bainbridge Island has already received numerous calls about baby squirrels that have fallen after trees were cut. Below are tips on how to keep newly born wildlife safe until they can be on their own. Wait until nesting season is over… Read More…

Ways to Avoid Conflict with Bears

In Wisconsin, homeowners are encouraged to take precautions the moment hungry bears start to emerge from their duns in order to avoid conflict with them. While these wild animals don’t normally come into conflict with humans, they can quickly learn to associate with people. Here are some tips on how to avoid conflict with black… Read More…

Ways to Control Canada Geese Population

While they may be one of the elegant creatures, Canada geese can also be a tremendous nuisance to people especially when they concentrate in one area. And because seeing these birds in large numbers has been a recent phenomenon in Canada, below are some tips on how to disperse them. Mow and spray the grass… Read More…

Animals Tips from a Bear Expert

According to Ellie Archer, director of community outreach with the Get Bear Smart Society, being bear smart requires sensitivity to wildlife and taking responsibility for one’s actions. Here are some practical tips on how people can become bear smart in their own ways. Secure your garbage. Clean up all animal attractants in your backyard such… Read More…

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