Posts from July, 2018

Beavers Cause Millions of Dollars of Damage to Homes in the United States Each Year

Beavers are considered to be highly beneficial, in terms of a wildlife point of view; however, they are known to create multiple problems for homeowners within the United States. Damages typically include flooded lands, flooded timber, the destruction of valuable trees, as well as immense levels of interference with property drainage units. According to estimates… Read More…

5 Diseases Squirrels Can Transmit to Humans

In most instances, squirrels are able to coexist with humans without any major complications. In fact, unless a squirrel feels threatened, they typically do not go near humans. We give squirrels more attention than they give us. They have a long, distinct, and generally harmless history of living among us. Regardless of whether you live… Read More…

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