Posts from October, 2018

“Beaver Fever” Expected to Become More Prevalent as Populations of the Rodent Continue to Increase

Beaver Removal South Carolina & North Carolina

Once considered to be a threatened species due to a previous fur demand in North America, beaver populations have been growing tremendously since the early 1900s due to wildlife management efforts. While highly beneficial for assisting in the creation of highly fertile landscapes throughout the country, ensuring the entrapment of water on land, aiding in… Read More…

Squirrels Are Responsible for Millions of Dollars of Damage Each Year

Squirrel Removal in South and North Carolina

There are several different squirrel species; however, the most common nuisance is the tree squirrel. This is due to the fact that these creatures are highly abundant, their natural habitats are being destroyed by construction, and they are constantly in search of safe shelters. Despite their liking to trees, brush, and other outdoor regions, squirrels… Read More…

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