Are There Bobcats in South Carolina?

Bobcats are found in the lowermost 48 states, including South Carolina. These mammals are most commonly found along the Coastal Plain, but are located throughout the state.

The creature is referred to as a “Bobcat” due to its very short tail, which typically averages in at about 5 inches among adult bobcats.

The tail is a dark color on top and usually white below. It is believed that this color combination may serve the purpose of signaling of some type. Continue reading to learn about South Carolina’s bobcats.

What Does a Bobcat Look Like?

A bobcat has short, dense and extremely soft fur. On the back, it is either light brown or reddish brown. The underside of the creature and the inside of its leg are typically white and include dark-colored bars or spots.

The tail is short and dark on top and white-colored below. The adult is up to twice as large as an adult domestic cat. They may weigh anywhere from 10 pounds to 40 pounds. Males are slightly larger than females.

What Type of Habitat Does a Bobcat Prefer?

Bobcats are typically found in areas that are heavily forested throughout the State of South Carolina. The creatures may also be found in bottomland forests and the lower area of the Coastal Plain.

Piedmont habitats that have combinations of clear spaces and forest coverage are ideal for these creatures due to the fact that it allows for alternate prey to be obtained all year long, as each season passes.

What Do Bobcats Eat?

On the most part, South Carolina Bobcats consume cotton rates, squirrels, mice, and the cottontail rabbits. During hunting season and deer fawning season, they are known to feed on white-tailed deer. These animals are known to hunt more by sight.

In some instances, chicken and pigs may be consumed by Bobcats but not to such a heavy degree that they have a negative impact on agriculture.

When Is Bobcat Breeding Season in South Carolina?

Bobcats are polygamous creatures. They breed as early as the late part of February to the early part of April. The young do not leave their den until they are either 4 weeks or 5 weeks old.

By October, the family typically splits apart and you will notice many young bobcats out and about throughout the remaining fall and winter months.

What Is the Life Expectancy of Bobcats?

It is believed that bobcats generally live as long as domestic cats. In the State of South Carolina, the oldest cat that has been recorded – to date – was 15 years old. It is possible that the creatures may live much longer than this.

Are Bobcats Dangerous to Humans?

Bobcats are timid creatures that prefer solitude. Human attacks are unlikely, but not impossible. Remember, the animals have teeth, claws, and are very fast. If they feel as if they are in danger, they could – potentially – lash out.

If you observe a bobcat near you or your property, always use techniques to scare it like clapping or yelling very loudly. If you need assistance with a nuisance bobcat, contact us here at Palmetto Wildlife Extractors today by calling: 855-465-1088

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