Mole Control

Identifying and Eliminating Moles

Moles are carnivores that have an appetite for various types of insects and dwell within the ground. Despite the fact that they hold no level of enthusiasm for the plant life situated on your property, the underground tunnels that these pests create could result in the total destruction of your lawn and create access points… Read More…

As It Turns Out, Molehills ARE Mountains – Especially to Homeowners

We have all heard the saying, “Making a mountain out of a molehill”. It means that you have succumbed to making something that is considered to be small into a big issue. The truth of the matter is, true molehills are mountains to the homeowners that discover them on their property. It is not at… Read More…

3 Landscaping Tricks to Deter Moles from Your Property

Mole Removal Services in South and North Carolina

If you are a gardener and/or you take great pride in your lawn, you know and understand that moles are, perhaps, one of the most frustrating of pests. The first sign of a mole infestation in a carefully and well-manicured lawn is the presence of ghastly raised and broken earth. Upon inspection, you will find… Read More…

5 Diseases Carried by Gophers

Gophers are small-sized rodents that burrow underground utilizing a combination of their front claws and teeth. While the creatures have poor vision and do not hear very well, they have a strong sense of touch. The gopher’s teeth are consistently growing. In order to keep them short, they have to gnaw on a regular basis…. Read More…

Humane Mole Control and Removal Techniques

In order to determine if you must use mole control strategies or are in need of mole removal services, you must first detect the presence of these creatures. There are several techniques available to homeowners. These include mole baits, various types of gasser products, repellent granules, and insecticides. However, some of these techniques are considered to be… Read More…

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