Now that the autumn is upon us, Halloween is just around the corner and pretty soon we’ll be decorating our homes for this festive season. Many images abound when we think of this sensational, exciting, and spooky holiday. The most common being carefully crafted jack-o-lanterns, witches riding the winds of the season on their broomsticks,… Read More…
Bats Information
Bats Found in the Carolinas
To date, there are a total of 47 various species of bats found within the United States. A total of 14 of these species are located within the States of North and South Carolina. If you are in search of bat removal services, it is ideal to learn as much as you are able to… Read More…
Why You Should Love Bats
Despite Halloween, there are tons of reasons why we should love bats. Below are some fun facts that will certainly make you think twice about these spooky creatures. Bats help control the insect population. They can eat up to 1,000 mosquitoes in an hour. The largest… Read More…
4 Things You Should Know About Canadian Bats
Despite of our fears of these winged creatures, bats are not as dark and spooky as what we think. Below are some cool and fun facts that you should know about Canadian bats. Bats do not eat or drink while they are hibernating. Bats hang in… Read More…
Things You May Not Know About Bats
Many of you may think that bats are creepy, but the truth is these maligned creatures are crucial to many ecosystems. Below are some important facts to know about these insect-munching animals. Bats eat their bodyweight in insects every night. Bats play an important role in controlling… Read More…
The Value of Bats to US Agriculture
California almond grower Glenn Anderson’s orchard has provided shelter and breeding areas for bats for years. While he was trying to formulate his theory on how much work the bats were doing, Devaughn Fraser, a researcher from UCLA, decided to study the bats on his farm, trying to define their value. Another researcher, Katherine Ingram,… Read More…
Myths and Facts About Bats
While they normally strike you as creepy creatures, bats do play an important role in our ecosystem. For one, bats matter a lot to areas like Michigan because they eat insects that feed on the crops. A recent study has shown that bats save around $1 billion globally by controlling pests that attack corn crops…. Read More…
Pros and Cons of Having Bats in Your Property
Bats are not really the first things that come to mind when we talk about house pets. Some of us can’t even imagine them not hanging upside-down inside a cave. Many homeowners consider them a nuisance, which they can be, and there are animal control professionals that specialize in getting them off of people’s properties…. Read More…
Residents Urged to Practice Caution Around Bats
According to Richard Ovcharovich, manager of environmental health with the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit, contact with bats and all wild animals should be avoided. Rabies, which is caused by a virus that affects the central nervous system of warm-blooded animals, is almost always a fatal disease. Senior public health inspector John Cannan… Read More…
Don’t Let Bats Share Your Home This Warm Season
Warm weather wakes bats off hibernation and gets them more active. They start to move around to find food, reproduce, and eventually, make their home in your attic. Whether you have little brown bats, or Mexican Free Tailed bats, as your new tenants, you have to get them out of the house before diseases… Read More…