Diseases Squirrels Can Transmit to Humans

There are a number of reasons that you can list for hiring a professional to remove animals from your property. However, the main one is your safety. You do not want to get bitten or attacked by a wild animal. You never know what type of health risks they can pose to you. This is why you should call in someone who knows what types of diseases they can spread and how to lower the risk of you, your family and them from being exposed to these diseases.

A squirrel may look cute, but you have to remember it is a rodent. And, like any other rodent, they pose certain health risks. Here are just a few of the diseases that a squirrel can spread to you and your family.

  • Some infected with leptospirosis will show no symptoms. Others may experience a high fever, chills, headache, rash, muscle aches, diarrhea or vomiting. It can lead to kidney and liver failure if it goes untreated. You can become exposed to this disease by contact with body fluids (except saliva) of an infected squirrel or contact with water, soil or food that has been contaminated from an infected squirrel’s body fluids. To lower your risk, you should avoid swimming or wading through infected water, wearing protective clothing and footwear if dealing with infected soil and limit your contact with squirrels. You should never try to feed or tame a wild animal.
  • The bubonic plague. The plague has seen a small revival in the last few years, mostly in the western US. The plague is transferred through bites from the infected squirrel, handling an infected squirrel or bites from fleas that were infected from the squirrel. We know the havoc the plague wreaked across Europe, so you know it is a horrible disease if you get it. You can take antibiotics these days that can help you get rid of the disease. However, if you do not seek aid promptly, you can become seriously ill or even die. Therefore, you should never try to interact with a squirrel or handle a dead squirrel. Call your local wildlife professionals to properly remove any live or dead squirrels from your property.
  • Tularemia is another disease squirrels can transmit to humans. Usually, you can become infected through bites from infected fleas or ticks, direct skin to skin contact, inhaling contaminated dust or ingesting contaminated water. Symptoms may include a high fever, swollen lymph nodes, skin ulcer, eye irritation, sore throat, difficulty breathing and chest pains. Tularemia can be fatal if left untreated, but with antibiotics, you can successfully treat this disease. You can lower your risk of contracting tularemia by wearing insect repellent and wearing gloves when you have to handle any live or dead squirrels.

There are many types of diseases you can get from inappropriately interacting with wildlife. In order to remain safe and keep your family safe, you need to learn the appropriate ways to prevent these diseases from spreading. You need to call in a professional wildlife removal company to remove live or dead animals from your home and property.

They can also clean and sanitize the area for you to ensure that any type of hazardous material is removed. It will definitely be safer and more efficient for you to rely on experts instead of trying to remove these animals yourself. You would not want to end up spreading the contaminant all through your home and across your property. So, be safe and call on someone with the knowledge to help you.

Squirrels Diseases

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