On the 21st of May in 2021, facilities that specialize in the captive breeding of red wolves announced that they released several of these creatures into the eastern region of North Carolina. This came after a federal court ruling was made in favor of conservation groups in January of 2021.
This requires that the US Fish and Wildlife Service create a plan to the release of the rare red wolves into the wild that would aid in avoiding harm to the endangered population.
The population dwindled down to just a total of seven of these creatures when the agency made a refusal to release any of the creatures over the course of the past six years. Several conservation methods have been put into play and many sterilizations of coyotes has been completed.
As a result, in the late 2000s, the population was determined to be at a total of 130. The advocacy of the rare red wolf has protected the endangered creatures from becoming completely extinct. The releases play an active role in increasing the population of the rare red wolves.
The agency will continue to establish steps that will recover the rare red wolves so that they are not yet again threatened to become extinct. It is believed that the animals will actually flourish within the wild and that the State of North Carolina will play an active role in their overall recovery.
The group known as the Red Wolf Coalition specializes in teaching about the creatures and encouraging the public to take measures in their conservation. They believe that this will aid in the long-term survival of the creature and that many future generations will stem from the advocacy.
For the past three decades, the organization known as the Southern Environmental Law Center has used the various laws and processes to help the environmental pursuits of the Southeast. This center includes nine offices and over 80 different attorneys to aid in the endeavor.
It not only works on the rare red wolves’ issue, but also handles a multitude of environmental issues that are of concern to the protection of natural resources, wildlife, and the health and well-being of the people that live in the Southeast.
The combination of urban development projects and the conflicts of those that own land has resulted in the population of rare red wolves becoming almost extinct. It was in the 1970s that many of these wolves were placed in captivity.
It was not for the people, but to actually save the wolf species from becoming extinct. The rare red wolves are actually protected under the Endangered Species Act, but it is not considered to be illegal to kill one of the wolves if it attacks a person or any livestock.
In fact, kill permits may be issued to landowners making claims against these creatures and of this nature by the USFWS. Naturally, it preferred that the creatures remain alive for the purpose of repopulating the species.
If you find that you are troubled by any of the rare red wolves that are currently in the wild, you should obtain professional assistance from Palmetto Wildlife Extractors. To contact them directly, call the following number: 855-465-1088