Wild Pig Sightings Becoming Increasingly More Prevalent in Residential Areas

Wild Pig Removal South Carolina“Wild pigs”, “wild hogs”, “feral pigs”, “feral hogs”, “savage swine”, “wild swine” – regardless of what you call them, the pigs have gone wild and are now being sighted on a more regular basis in residential areas. Their prevalence is so high, in fact, that they are often referred to as an “invasive species”.

Wild pigs can ruin landscaping and crops, cause issues with the quality of water, kill livestock and pets, spread disease, and even attack people. These animals have the capability of multiplying rapidly – producing up to 50 babies each year.

Upon reaching a certain size, they have very few – if any – natural predators. If you have noticed wild pigs in your neighborhood or on your property, it is critical that you seek the assistance of wildlife removal experts immediately.


Wild pigs have the capability of living in many different types of habitats. For the most part, they reside in forests. The trees and the various types of vegetation aid in providing shelter and food sources for the creatures; however, they are straying into other areas, too – especially with all of the growth and expansion that is occurring throughout the southern and coastal regions.

These areas include farmlands, swamps, marshes, and even residential neighborhoods. While often referred to as “backwoods beasts”, they are quickly becoming “backyard beasts”.

What Are the Threats?

There are numerous threats posed by wild pigs. The first is that they are highly territorial. It does not matter if they are in the middle of a forest or in your backyard, if they are there, they consider that to be their territory.

If a person or another animal makes an attempt to enter into that territory, they will aggressively defend the area. In addition to this, the following outlines other concerns regarding wild pigs:

  • Adult wild pigs may weigh in excess of 300 pounds each. When they elect to charge an animal or a person, they can run at speeds of 11 MPH or more. This means that an attack can happen quickly and that it has the potential to be extremely powerful.
  • Wild boars have 4 tusks that are very, very sharp. They can grow up to 4 inches in length. If a wild boar uses their tusks during an attack to an animal or a person, it can be fatal.
  • Wild pigs have the ability to carry up to 45 various parasites and diseases. Those that may infect people and animals are considered to be “zoonotic diseases”. Examples include E. coli, salmonellosis, swine flu, toxoplasmosis, rabies, trichinosis, cryptosporidiosis, and leptospirosis. If an animal or a person contracts one or more of these diseases or parasites, it could result in death.
  • Pigs are known to emit feces wherever they frequent. These feces have the potential to contaminate water sources in residential areas with the parasites and/or diseases previously mentioned.

Contact Us Immediately

If you are experiencing issues with wild pigs in your area, contact us here at Palmetto Wildlife Extractors immediately. We SPECIALIZE in wild pig removal in South Carolina and North Carolina!

Not only are you physically at risk of being attacked, your water supply and your person are at risk for contracting potentially life-threatening illnesses transmitted by the wild pigs.

We can quickly, safely, and effectively resolve the wild pig infestation detrimentally impacting your community: https://palmettowildlifeextractors.com/contactus/

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