Temperatures are dropped significantly in the past month throughout the State of South Carolina. Environmental conditions are going to continue getting harsher as we march forward into winter. As a result, the wildlife that lives in and around your property are going to start actively searching for water, food, and a warm place to take shelter.
Naturally, your home is ideal. Many creatures will find the structure exceptionally attractive – especially the chimney, attics, basements, and crawlspaces. Not only do these areas offer warmth, they offer a safe haven from natural predators.
Continue reading to learn a step prevention steps that will help you avoid experience a wildlife infestation in your home this winter.
What Types of Wildlife Will Attempt to Infest a Home?
There are many types of wildlife that will find your home attractive during the winter months. The most common include raccoons, mice, rats, squirrels, bats, and birds. Other types of wildlife and insects may also make their way into your home during the winter.
How Can I Keep Wildlife Out of My Home This Winter?
To prevent wildlife infestations this winter, follow the steps outlined below:
- If you have a chimney on your home, place a grated screen on the opening. Prior to sealing, check for area above where the flue panel is located to make certain that there are no leaves, nests, droppings, or creatures. Then, once you know it is all clear, you make seal it up.
- Go around the entire perimeter of your home and check for cracks, open pipeage, holes, and other areas where wildlife may make their way inside of your home. Make sure everything is completely sealed. Typically, caulking is sufficient for sealing up openings for the winter.
- Have your roof evaluated to determine if there are any cracks or openings along the area of the roof line where wildlife can gain access to your attic. If any are found, have the issues immediately repaired.
- Use a flashlight and go into your attic to evaluate for signs of wildlife. Look for openings, wood damage, and any areas that appear to be chewed. If you discover signs that any type of wildlife has been in the attic, contact a professional trapper and have them come out to inspect the area and set traps to capture the creatures.
- Go through the home and look for any type of damage. If you discover any questionable areas, repair them.
Contact Us Today
If you want to prepare your home from roaming winter wildlife, contact us here at Palmetto Wildlife Extractors today. We specialize in wildlife prevention, wildlife remediation, wildlife control, and more!
We can provide suggestions on how to keep wildlife from entering your home and handle any creature that has already made their way into your home.
We recommend that you leave trapping and capturing to us – for your protection. If you would like to learn more or would like to set up an appointment, call us today at: 855-465-1088