Signs That You Have a Rat in the House

signs that you have a rat in the house

A rat is more than a simple nuisance. It has the capability to harm humans through both direct and indirect means. These rodents carry a large variety of diseases that include leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV), hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, and salmonellosis.  Diseases that are indirectly transmitted to humans by rats through the means of fleas, mites,… Read More…

How to Keep Animals from Chewing Through Outdoor Christmas Decorations

keeping animals from outdoor christmas decor

String lights, rope lights, wreaths, garland, holiday statutes, ribbons, decorative signs, and inflatables – all of the outdoor holiday decorations that we have come to love and enjoy each Christmas. While all of those beautiful colors and twinkling lights draw a vast array of attention and their fair share of “Oh’s” and “Ah’s” from our… Read More…

Creative Strategies for Keeping Raccoons Out of Your Trash

racoon in trash

The natural habitats of raccoons have been urbanized as a result of the ever-expanding growth of human populations and construction efforts to accommodate those populations. While this has proven detrimental to most species, the raccoon is a highly versatile creation that has a high level of adaptation. It is common for these creatures to stumble… Read More…

Keeping Family, Pets, and Property Safe from Alligators

Keeping Safe From Alligators

The American Alligator is found throughout the coastal region areas of the Southeastern part of the United States. North Carolina is currently the northernmost habitat. Throughout the State of North Carolina, alligators can be found in swamps, canals, ponds, rivers, tidal basins, the coastline, as well as inland areas in the eastern portion of the… Read More…

Simple Strategies for Avoiding Problems with Coyotes

Avoiding Coyote Problems

Throughout history, encountering a coyote in areas deemed as “urban” or “suburban” was a rare occurrence; however, as populations increase and construction efforts continue to expand into the natural habitats of these creatures, encounters are becoming more commonplace. Today, it is common to catch a fleeting glimpse of a coyote as they move from their… Read More…

“Beaver Fever” Expected to Become More Prevalent as Populations of the Rodent Continue to Increase

Beaver Removal South Carolina & North Carolina

Once considered to be a threatened species due to a previous fur demand in North America, beaver populations have been growing tremendously since the early 1900s due to wildlife management efforts. While highly beneficial for assisting in the creation of highly fertile landscapes throughout the country, ensuring the entrapment of water on land, aiding in… Read More…

Squirrels Are Responsible for Millions of Dollars of Damage Each Year

Squirrel Removal in South and North Carolina

There are several different squirrel species; however, the most common nuisance is the tree squirrel. This is due to the fact that these creatures are highly abundant, their natural habitats are being destroyed by construction, and they are constantly in search of safe shelters. Despite their liking to trees, brush, and other outdoor regions, squirrels… Read More…

3 Landscaping Tricks to Deter Moles from Your Property

Mole Removal Services in South and North Carolina

If you are a gardener and/or you take great pride in your lawn, you know and understand that moles are, perhaps, one of the most frustrating of pests. The first sign of a mole infestation in a carefully and well-manicured lawn is the presence of ghastly raised and broken earth. Upon inspection, you will find… Read More…

Rats Considered to be a Main Culprit Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) Among Humans

The Centers for Disease Control has established that rats are the main culprit behind the development and transmission of the Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) among people. This is a highly severe respiratory disease that stems from the infectious hantaviruses that are currently in existence. In some instances, the disease is so severe that it proves… Read More…

Common Diseases Carried by Skunks That May Prove Threatening to Humans and Pets

While skunks are most known for their ability to emit a vile odor when confronted and feel threatened, these mammals are also known to carry a variety of diseases that may prove to be threatening to humans and pets. If you find that skunks are invading your property or are veering close to your home,… Read More…

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