
Beware of Animals Nesting in Your Home This Fall

Your home’s warm comfort amidst the chilly outdoor weather may be inviting more than just your holiday guests. Certain wildlife that don’t hibernate, such as squirrels, and some bats that prefer to do so in buildings instead of caves and hollow trees, may be roosting in your attic this cold season. Be sure to critter-proof… Read More…

How to Eliminate the Smell of Being Sprayed by a Skunk

We all know that the best way to get rid of any pests in our house or on our property is to call in the experts; however, not all of us follow this rule. We may think that it is an easy job. I mean, how difficult could it be to get rid of one… Read More…

4 Signs You Have a Bat Infestation

Bats are one of the most misunderstood animals in the world. They are usually seen in a bad light. Most people think that they are creepy and will bite you the first chance that they get. However, this is not so. They may not be cute and cuddly like a bunny, but that is no… Read More…

Squirrel Removal Myths

When it comes to human-wildlife conflicts the most common scenario would most likely end up being squirrels in the attic. We have probably all been there. We are sitting in our homes and we hear a sound. What could it be? Could it be your imagination or just the wind? Hopefully, it is not an… Read More…

Opossum Prevention

Most of us in the southern US have seen opossums, usually along the roadside. Most people think that the opossum is an ugly pest; however, it is in fact a great animal to use as a pest remover. Of course, you do not want to get too close to the opossum, but if it lives… Read More…

How to Skunk Proof Your Yard

Most of us fear skunks. The very word will have us holding our noses and running in the opposite direction. It is no secret that when you scare or threaten a skunk there may be a chance that you will get sprayed by its toxic attack. Not only will the odor emanating from you be… Read More…

How to Evict Raccoons from Your Home

Most people view raccoons as pests. However, there are still some who think they are cute and want to interact with them. The best rule of thumb for the latter group is to be wary of a wild animal because you never know how they will react to your presence. If you fall into the… Read More…

Diseases Carried by Rats

Rats are viewed by most of us as nasty little pests. They invade our homes and our pantries spreading germs and diseases. Most of us usually shriek and run at the mention of a rat and for good reason. Many diseases carried by rats can be harmful and in some instances fatal to humans. Here… Read More…

Diseases and Parasites Carried by Birds

Most of us have heard of the bird flu, and the major pandemic created by it. However, there are many more diseases and parasites that birds can transfer to humans. In fact there are more than sixty other diseases carried by birds, and this is not counting the parasites that they can pass along to… Read More…

Coyote Removal

The mere fact that coyotes are predators makes us view them as pests. We do not want them around us, our children, our homes, pets or livestock. Coyotes have been known to prey on sheep, chickens, family pets and most people tend to fear for their safety when they are near. In the past fifty… Read More…

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