Attempting to Remove Rodents from a Home on Your Own May Prove to be Quite Dangerous

If you are reading this, chances are, you find yourself faced with a rodent problem in or around your home. You may find yourself embarrassed that this situation is occurring and may be hesitant to reach out and seek the assistance of a company that specializes in wildlife control services. The simple matter of the… Read More…

Rodents May Seek Shelter in Homes and Other Structures Immediately Following Tropical Storms and Hurricanes

Now that hurricane season is in full swing, it is quite likely that you assembled your supplies, taken the steps necessary to protect your home from the torrential rains and damaging winds that go hand-in-hand with tropical cyclones, developed an evacuation plan, and have your emergency contacts in place. However, there is one risk that… Read More…

Identifying and Eliminating Moles

Moles are carnivores that have an appetite for various types of insects and dwell within the ground. Despite the fact that they hold no level of enthusiasm for the plant life situated on your property, the underground tunnels that these pests create could result in the total destruction of your lawn and create access points… Read More…

Wildlife Remediation Helps to Reduce Conflicts Between Humans and Animals

Wildlife remediation – which is often referred to as “relocation”, “transplantation”, or “translocation” – is the act of capturing and transferring a wild animal from one location to another location. This activity is commonly engaged in to enhance wildlife populations of animals that are considered to be rare or extinct within a certain area, to… Read More…

Wildlife Prevention: Keeping Nocturnal Animals Out of Your Yard

If you are reading this, chances are, you have awoken, stepped out of your door, and have noticed that your lawn, garden, and other areas of your property are in complete disarray. You are not alone. Millions of people have been subjected to the adverse effects of nocturnal wildlife. While it is true that daytime… Read More…

How to Avoid a Bad Encounter with Coyotes

It is a known fact that coyotes have attacked both humans and their pets; however, the risk of such an attack is considered to be relatively low. By the simple modification of behaviors while in the presence of coyotes, you may successfully avoid complications with these creatures. Encounters in urban and suburban areas are considered… Read More…

Nuisance Wildlife Removal and Management for Businesses

While it is true that observing wildlife is an enjoyable activity for most, if unwanted animals – such as rodents, raccoons, bats, or even opossums – start invading your business, it can result in many dire situations. Examples include damage to your property, concerns regarding safety for your employees and/or customers, as well as health… Read More…

Should I Worry Over the Presence of Beavers on My Property?

Beavers are highly entertaining creatures to watch. With their orange-colored, oversized front incisors, their small eyes, and the immense fur covering their body, they are cute little creatures; however, they are capable of causing big problems. This is especially true if there is an issue with the beaver. While rare, beavers are capable of harming… Read More…

You Should Never Attempt to Trap and Relocate Wildlife on Your Own

If you are reading this, it is quite likely that you have discovered some type of wildlife on your property. Perhaps you have encountered an opossum, a raccoon, a skunk, a fox, some type of wild cat, or even an alligator basking in the sun and a bank of your property that overlooks a body… Read More…

An Immense Number of Coronaviruses Recently Discovered in Bats

Scientists, researchers, and medical professionals – all working in collaboration with one another – have recently discovered a total of six novel coronaviruses in bat in the Southeast Asian country of Myanmar. While it is not unusual for research teams to discover new diseases in animals, this is an exceptionally frightening discovery because of the… Read More…

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