Bandit-masked eyes, striped tails, and those tiny little hands make backyard raccoons quite a delight to behold; however, it must be understood that there are a few dangers associated with these creatures. While it is possible to peacefully coexist with these creatures, it must also be understood that raccoons do not understand the boundaries that… Read More…
How to Avoid Conflicts with Alligators During Their Mating Season
Living in the Carolinas means that we all share the state with a large population of alligators. Now that the weather is heating up and their mating season is in full swing, we must all do that which is necessary to avoid conflicts with the creatures. Alligators are more active during this time. They are… Read More…
Are There Bobcats in the State of South Carolina?
Yes, there are bobcats throughout the State of South Carolina. These are also referred to as the “wildcat”. This is one of the shyest and most elusive of all wildlife. The animals are active in the nighttime hours and are known for being exceptionally territorial. In fact, most will find and remain in a certain… Read More…
Black Bear Sightings Are Increasing in the Carolinas
In the past couple of weeks, there have been an increased number of black bear sightings in neighborhoods, near schools, and in other areas through both South Carolina and North Carolina. The Northeastern region of the State of North Carolina is said to have one of the largest amounts of black bears within the country…. Read More…
The Presence of Nuisance Alligators Likely to Increase Now That Mating Season Is in Full Swing
Alligator mating season is now in full swing. This means that individuals in gator-prone areas – especially throughout South Carolina and North Carolina – are likely to see an increase of alligators over the course of the next few months. Males are known to attach themselves to a certain territory. Examples include a favorite pond,… Read More…
Spring in the Carolinas – Prepare Yourself for Wildlife Encounters
In the Carolinas, spring is a very active time for a wild variety of wildlife. As the warm weather sets in, many species in South Carolina and North Carolina start following the urges associated with their internal clocks. They move around, they seek out a mate, they engage in feedings, and they nest. Examples include… Read More…
Sightings of the South American Tegu Must Be Reported
Recent sightings of a very large and invasive species of lizard have been reported throughout the State of South Carolina and the State of Georgia. The wildlife agencies throughout both states are encouraging individuals to report any sightings of this creature. It has the capability of growing up to lengths of 4 feet and may… Read More…
The 3 Most Venomous Snakes in North Carolina
It has been estimated that there are 37 various species of snakes throughout the State of North Carolina. Despite the fact that a bite may prove to be painful, 31 species are non-venomous. A total of 6 species are venomous. These are found in a variety of habitats – from forests, to swamps, to lakes…. Read More…
What Potentially Troublesome or Dangerous Creatures Are in the State of South Carolina?
The State of South Carolina is considered a coastal state. It includes numerous land and water creatures. In the area of the coast plain, the vegetation is that which grows abundantly in coarse types of soil. The land is relatively flat. In the inland region, there are sand dunes, fields, and forests. The state is… Read More…
Apart from the Smell, Do Skunks Cause Any Problems?
Despite the fact that skunks are kind of on the cute side, there is a wide array of potential problems and dangers that stem from those furry, little, black and white striped creatures. Apart from the immense defense mechanism of the scent glands to product a noxious odor, there are a few problems that skunks… Read More…